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For small or medium businesses (SMBs), you're in the right place.
In this article
Select an account type
Go to prismm.com.
In the window, upper right corner, select the button START TODAY.
In the next window, select one of the following account registration options:
- Venue: Provide space for holding events.
- Planner: Independently manage events (you don’t represent a venue or other vendor).
- Caterer: Independently provide food for events (you don’t represent a venue or other vendor)
- Vendor: Provide additional resources supporting events (e.g.: technology, furniture and other resources).
- Host: An individual hosting a one-time event (you don’t represent a venue or other vendor).
Create an account login
To create an account login, in the next window, add your information.
- Select the button Continue.
You'll receive an email verification notification.
Copy and paste the verification code.
- Select the button Verify Code.
Enter your business information.
Select the button Get Started.
Log into account
- Select the button LOGIN.
- Sign in.
The following window appears with top-level navigation:
- Pricing - free and paid account options.
- Events - Create and manage events (default).
- Account - Set up and manage your account.
- (Name) - In a drop-down menu, select options, including log out.
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