In this article
- Enter shared space through Prismm account
- Enter shared space as guest
- Work in shared space: 3D view
- Work in shared space: 2D view
Enter shared space through a Prismm account
Note: provides access to features unavailable to guests:
- To enter the space, select the shared link.
In the pop-up window, sign in using Prismm account login information.
Select the button Sign In.
Enter shared space as a guest
To enter the space, select the shared link.
In the pop-up window, select the button Enter as a Guest.
In the pop-up window, add your name and, optionally, role.
- Select the button Enter as a Guest.
Work in shared space (3D view)
Select a floorplan
To the left of the viewing space, to move between shared floorplans, select the desired floorplan thumbnail.
Review navigation options
Navigate the space using the navigation circle or keyboard directional arrow keys.
(Note: When logging in, the navigation pop-up displays by default. To hide the pop-up, select it.)
Switch between 2D and 3D views
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to change between 2D and 3D views, select the icon 2D/3D.
Switch between top and first-person views
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to change between top and first-person views, select the icon (top/first-person views).
Access navigation instructions
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to display or hide the navigation pop-up, select icon Navigation.
Filter display options
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to filter/select display options, select the icon Display options.
Manage comments
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to include notes, select the icon Add note.
In the pop-up window, enter the comment text and select the button Add comment.
To move or edit a comment, select the button three horizontal dots.
From the drop-down menu, select the option Move or Edit.
To resolve the initial comment, select the button checkmark.
To add another comment, in the text field Add a comment, enter the text.
Select the button Add comment.
To edit or delete additional comments, next to the comment, select the button three vertical dots.
From the drop-down menu, select the option Edit or Delete.
To delete the initial comment, select the button trash can.
To view all comments, in the upper right corner of the window, select the icon Comments.
(Note: To the right, a list of venue spaces appear.) -
To review comments for a venue space, select that space.
For the space, review and, optionally, resolve or delete comments.
Enter or exit fullscreen
In the lower left corner of the viewing space, on the vertical menu, to enter or exit full screen, select the icon (Enter/Exit Fullscreen).
Manage embedded media
To include embedded media in an event space:
Contact customer support (customer support will set up a reusable template of the space with media screens to display images or videos).
Upload the template of the space with media screens.
In the upper right corner, select the icon Screen Designer (which displays a list of media screens in the space).
- Select the media screen for which to change the media.
To update media, select the option Replace media or Remove media.
View participants
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, to view participants in the space, select the icon Participants.
(Note: This option is available whether you’re in a meeting or not in a meeting.) -
Optionally, in the lower left corner of the design area, view Participants.
Manage settings
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, to adjust your settings (camera, microphone, sound), select the icon Settings.
(Note: This option is available whether you’re in a meeting or not in a meeting.) -
Optionally, in the lower left corner of the design area (you need to be in a meeting), adjust your Settings.
Manage meetings
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, to start a meeting, select the icon Start Meeting.
Optionally, in the lower left corner of the design area, to start a meeting, select the icon Start Meeting.
Note: If signed in through a Prismm account and in a meeting, in the upper right corner of the viewing space, additional functionality is available.
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, change your view.
In the upper right corner, of the viewing area, unmute/mute your microphone.
Optionally, at the bottom of the design area, unmute/mute your microphone.
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, turn on/off your camera.
Optionally, at the bottom of the design area, turn on/off your camera.
- In the upper right corner, of the viewing space, share/unshare your screen.
Optionally, at the bottom of the design area, share/unshare your screen.
In the upper right corner of the viewing space, to have all meeting participants follow one person or switch all participants between 2D/3D views, select the button (...).
(Note: This option is available only if signed into the shared space through a Prismm account. This option is unavailable if accessing the shared space as a guest.) -
Optionally, at the bottom of the design area, to switch all participants between 2D/3D views, select the button (...).
To leave/end a meeting, in the upper right corner of the viewing space, select the button Leave Meeting.
Optionally, at the bottom of the design area, select the button Leave Meeting.
To log out of the shared space, in the upper right corner, select the icon with your initials.
(Note: This option is available only if signed into the shared space through a Prismm account. This option is unavailable if accessing the shared space as a guest.)
Work in shared space: 2D view
In 2D view, the vertical navigation to the left and horizontal navigation in the upper right corner remain the same.
If signed in through a Prismm account, but not in a meeting:
If signed in through a Prismm account and in a meeting:
In 2D view, in the lower left corner of the viewing space, the vertical menu includes the options (2D/3D, Display options, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Reset Zoom).
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